Happy Birthday to this spitfire ray of sunshine!!!! Georgia is stubborn & sassy and we've had our fair share of butting heads and rough patches - we definitely have our struggles - but she is SUCH a lover! She is so much like me it's scary.... karma!! This last year though, I have watched her blossom so much and we have become so close. She's my little gal pal & cuddler, my helper, my girly girl. She has discovered that I HATE to be tickled & now takes EVERY opportunity to tickle me. All fun & games unless daddy gets involved - then I'm officially mad & the fun is OVER 😂 She has also discovered the joys of popping out from corners and closed doors and scaring people - definitely a Winger thing. Blickenstaff's did not/do not enjoy that!! She is so funny & playful, quick to love on you & also quick to whip out her temper. Oh Georgia - you are our big girl! With the most beautiful auburn hair and fair skin, a splash of freckles, hazel eyes & her daddy's long lashes, and long legs (and toes). We love every ounce of you!! Can't believe you are SIX. I love throwing you a party every year. Especially all the unicorn stuff - you're magical!!
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