Hi. Scroll down to view some pretty magical pictures that do not depict how I actually felt 95% of this pregnancy... but I will say this. I went back and forth for a long time about whether or not I wanted to put in the effort for maternity pictures, and I'm SO glad I did. Because I feel gross 100% of the time, it did my soul good to put on a pretty dress or two, get dolled up, and look in the mirror to find that I DID have a cute belly, I'm not THAT big (when viewed from the correct angle ha), and mayyyybe I did have a pregnancy glow, if only for a short time during this second trimester :) it really really did bring my spirits up to see how these turned out.
And then I promptly went back to being 100% gross forever haha.
And then there's Georgia. Can you see how in love Georgia is with my belly?? THAT needed to be recorded. I love her so much, I can't believe how big she is and how badly she wants to be a big sister. Boston is pretty excited too, but I didn't even try to drag him into pictures. He would probably have just been a blur in every photo - he's the happiest wiggliest thing these days!
I just can't believe how this time inched by painfully slow AND flew by lightening fast at the same time and now I'm days away from having another perfect human to care for!! How does that happen?! We are ready to meet our little girl and truthfully - I just can't wait to see if I'm having another white girl with red hair or not!! What on earth will this one look like :) we'll know pretty soon...
These really turned out fantastic. Love the mommy-daughter moments you caught. They are so sweet.