Friday, May 25, 2018

Robbie Newborns

This baby was a dream!! Sooooo cute. And I'm so excited so see him grow over the next year - yay for milestone sessions! Such a perfect easy way to document your baby. Could this new mom be more glowing? Why did I look like such a hot mess after my firstborn? She's rockin it and it's not fair. Love this cute family and so excited for them. Baby Robbie is perfection!

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Oliver Fresh 48's + Newborns

These sessions have my heart. Fresh 48's are tricky to pull off when you have 3 kiddos and need to book it to the hospital! Thankfully, the stars aligned and I was able to meet this sweet baby at the prettiest hospital in OC (Hoag Newport, duh). I absolutely love the way these turned out. Nikki had told me she was so exhausted and didn't want any pictures of herself but she is glowing!! I knew she would be.. 
The newborns were taken in their gorgeous home again. Oliver was so sweet and sleepy in the beginning, but the saying is true - don't wake a sleeping baby! As soon as we got to juggling him around, he had had it with us.. congrats Nikki & JM on such a cuuuute baby boy! May you endure the newborn high-pitched cry, the witching hours, the blowouts, and make it out alive to enjoy your beautiful baby 😂 Love you guys! 

FRESH 48's